Colleen T. is 66 years old, born in Detroit, Michigan in February of 1953. She currently lives in the long term care unit of MediLodge of Montrose and brightens the lives of many. She has lived there since November of 2017.

In her early years, Colleen lived and grew up in Detroit, Michigan and went to school at Our Lady Queen of Hope elementary. She was raised up Catholic and faith continues to be important to her. She played many sports including baseball, softball, bowling, and was very active. She graduated from St. Mary’s and shortly after searched for work.

Colleen shared that her brother worked at Chrysler and she followed in those footsteps and worked with him for a long time as a factory worker. She wishes she could still be working today and “wish I could do the things I liked to do before all this happened to me” when she lost her legs. However, the residents and staff at the MediLodge of Montrose love Colleen dearly for her continuous positive attitude and her outgoing personality. She pushes forward and makes the best of life. She is always socializing and participating in activities, she is kind and enjoys being with people.

Colleen enjoys crafts, music, being outdoors, being around animals and much more. She enjoys helping others and has great friends she has made here. Her advocacy for others is what makes her stand out and makes a difference for those around her.

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